Sunday, October 4, 2009

What's the best kind of rolling backpack?

Good question. Most people assume that when they finally try to pick out a rolling backpack they will be stuck with something they didnt really want. This simply isn't true.

The cool thing about rolling backpack styles is that the more you look around for them the more you will realize that they do make enough styles and colors for everybody.

If you look around you might see some batman, or even princess rolling backpacks. Perhaps you've seen a bunch and didn't realize it? You might ask how this could be, simple. When people aren't using them to roll you can put the wheels up, sometimes even with colvers and carry them on your back.

This makes them virtually the best backpacks you can get because they replace regular backpacks. So the question remains, why get a regular backpack when the rolling backpack can do the same exact thing??

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Back to school

It's time for school again and I've read some reports of kids getting injured by other students who are using their rolling backpacks incorrectly. It's really a shame because there is no reason these incidents should even be occuring. I don't know why kids would be using them in crowded areas but that is really the only reason the injuries should even be happening.

It's simple, just don't use the rolling part when it's crowded. Use it when you are either alone, on your way home or to the bus. But use common sense and if there is not enough room to hardly walk around, then putting your backpack down and rolling it around probably isn't the best idea at that point!

Come on now.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Rolling Backpacks, and you.

A lot of people don't want to be weighted down with having to carry their backpack with them everywhere they go. I don't blame them.

IF you have a lot of school work and aren't sure what do with it then find a good rolling bpack and then let the rest go with your way, ya know? Don't get tired, don't get sore! Just gte some wheels on your backpack and let it do all the work.

It's easy to undersstand how some people might not want to get a rolling backpack if they are too tall,or atleast feel too tall. If you don't think that you need one, then you should resconsider because noone wants to get hurt by back injuries especially when they are young and doing school like most people are.

It's okay to just carry around your backpack in some situations but not all th e time. In these large campuses that are around today you don't want to get injured whe nyou have to walk a mile every day. Rolling backpacks do what they need to do.